
Set out below are our school fees
schedule for 2023

Use this calculator to understand our fee structure and compare against other schools.

We are a low fee-paying private Christian school that offers the most affordable quality education by comparison with other independent schools on the Central Coast.

Surprisingly to some, the cost of enrolling a child in Kindergarten at Coast would in many cases be considerably less than full-time day care or pre-school.

2023 Annual Tuition Fees

Tuition fees
Kindergarten $4,550
Year 1 $5,100
Year 2 $5,600
Stage 2 (Years 3-4) $6,250
Stage 3 (Years 5-6) $6,250

Sibling Discount

Tuition fee discounts
1st Child
2nd Child 17.5%
3rd Child 35%
4th Child 70%

Fees, as set by the Board, will be paid in advance prior to commencement of the 3rd week of each term, or by direct bank transfer arrangements each fortnight  or month, or by specific agreement confirmed in writing.

1.       (a)  Dishonour of cheques or direct debits, where the School is not at fault, will attract a  minimum fee of $25.00 to cover bank and administrative costs.
(b) Overdue fees may attract a late payment fee.
(c)  Failure to pay overdue fees or to make suitable payment arrangements may result in referral to a collection agency.

2.        If the student is to leave the school, parents will:

           (a) Agree to provide, in writing, one full school term’s notice of intention                      to leave school.
           (b)  Agree to make payment in full for all fees or monies outstanding                              and owed to the  school.

3.      If the requirements of paragraph 2(a) are not met, the school reserves the right to invoice one Term’s fees in lieu of notice.

4.      An enrolment bond of $200.00 per child is to be paid upon acceptance of offer of enrolling students (a minimum 12 months enrolment period qualifies except in the case of Year 6 enrolments) and will be refunded providing all fees have been paid and one term’s notice has been given. If the 12 month enrolment period does not occur, the Bond may, at the school’s discretion, be refunded under special circumstances, and only if the created vacancy is filled by another enrolment. This bond will be held until the last student in the family completes his or her schooling at Coast.
If the enrolment is not to start until at least 6 months after the date of acceptance, the bond may be paid in 3 instalments:  50% on acceptance,  75% by the end of June in the year prior to starting 100% by the end of September in the year prior to starting.

5.       An Application fee of $50.00 per Application is applicable at the time of lodgement of an application form.

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