
As part of a balanced and healthy education program, Coast Christian School encourages students to be active and participate in sport.

Our students engage in weekly sport lessons as part of the PDHPE curriculum as we want them to develop healthy habits from an early age. Students have the opportunity to represent the school, competing in Gala Days against other schools, in sports such as soccer, netball, basketball and cricket. Our school also participates in sport clinics, where specialist coaches visit the school to develop specific skills for a range of sports such as Gymnastics, AFL, Athletics, Martial Arts, Dance , Oz Tag, Basketball, Cricket, Netball and the Mariners Soccer Program.

Students who excel in particular sports also have the opportunity to trial for regional and state representative teams. Coast is part of the Christian School Sports Association, and students who perform well at our Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics carnivals, can go on to compete at Zone, State and National levels. Sport is a great opportunity for our students to develop and demonstrate their Christian character, by displaying positive sportsmanship to those they are competing against.

       Open Day -        26th September

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