Co-curricular activities are offered at Coast to develop interests and giftings beyond the class programs (curriculum). These opportunities include; Band, Chess Club, Chapel Worship and Sound Team, Choir, Music Tuition, Service to School programs, Sport and fitness training.

At Coast Christian School, we believe that every person is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God and has been entrusted with unique personalities, gifts and aspirations.
As such, all Coast staff are privileged to be part of each student’s journey in discovering these gifts and equipping them with the knowledge, skills and understanding to pursue excellence in all God has for them.
Coast is dedicated to providing academic rigour through dynamic and engaging opportunities for all students in the development of holistic education, shaped by a biblical, Christ-centred foundation.
Our teaching staff are highly qualified, nurturing educators who continually develop, implement and evaluate teaching and learning programs based not only on the Key Learning Areas (KLAs) set out by the NSW Education Standards Authority but framed by a biblical perspective and the unique interests, needs and giftings of each student. ‘Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms’ (1 Peter 4:10 – NIV translation).

‘We are so blessed with the calibre of teachers here at Coast, their heart for children comes from their heart from God.’
Co-Curricular Activities
Competitions and Challenges
Coast students have the opportunity to be involved in a variety of Australian and international competitions, such as the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS), the Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads (APSMO), Public Speaking and interschool sporting events at local, state and levels beyond.
Differentiated Learning
At Coast, we recognise that students are unique with different learning rates, levels and styles. Some students need enrichment and extension, others require adjustments to access the curriculum, or both. Our Learning Support Team, class teachers, teacher aides and families partner to meet the needs of all students through whole class, small group and individual support.
Excursions and Incursions
An extensive range of incursions and excursions to whet the appetite of our students is thoughtfully considered and purposefully planned to enrich the learning occurring in the classrooms and to develop positive social connections and responsibility in our future leaders.
In conjunction with our high academic standards and behavioural expectations for the pursuit of excellence, at Coast we know that building students’ understanding and knowledge of God and how God defines them in His Word is a crucial Foundation for Life.