The Confession of Faith of Coast Christian School is as follows:
We believe: • The Bible is God’s Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is our sole authority and absolutely binding in all matters of faith and conduct. • There is one holy God, existing eternally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the Creator of all things visible and invisible. Jesus Christ is the Son of God who became man through conception by the Holy Spirit and virgin birth and was without sin. • The Holy Spirit convicts the world of guilt in regard to sin, righteousness and judgement. • Satan is the originator of all evil and through him sin was introduced into the world after the fall of Adam and Eve. Man is, by nature and practice, a sinful creature and is unable, by any personal merit or works to meet the standards of a holy God. • In love, Jesus Christ voluntarily suffered the penalty of death by crucifixion for the sin of the whole world. He was buried and arose from among the dead on the third day thus signifying God’s acceptance of His sacrifice. He is now seated at the right hand of God. By personal faith in Christ one can know the complete forgiveness of sins, be reconciled to God, become a member of the family of God and receive eternal life. Those who do not accept Jesus Christ as Saviour will be separated from God eternally.